Secret Invasion (Disney Plus 2023 review)
Marvel’s Latest Series Secret Invasion alien Thriller Series…More Miss than Hit ?
Marvel’s Latest Series Secret Invasion alien Thriller Series…More Miss than Hit ?
Optimus Prime and the Autobots take on their biggest challenge yet. In this 90’s style , feel good Transformers Instalment.
The new trailer release from visionary director James Cameron comes an action-filled epic that follows on from ‘Avatar’ (2009) racked up 148.6 million online views within its first 24 hours – which Disney points out is more than the trailers for recent Star Wars movies. Directed by James Cameron( THE TERMINATOR ,ALIENS,TRUE LIES,TITANIC) Avatar 2 is the first of numerous planned Avatar sequels. Our first glimpse at Avatar: The Way of Water takes us back to Pandora – the exotic planet from the first movie. Opening with a shot of the planet’s familiar floating mountains, we’re soon reintroduced to the Na’vi who have