The Fall of the ‘Matrix’ (1999-2021)

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The Fall of the Matrix...

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Richard Fontana

The Matrix Saga (1999-2021)


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Feature: Richard Fontana

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Photo: MJfotografiecz

Richard Fontana Charts the course of a saga that went from Sci-Fi Classic to something else entirely...

The Matrix

The Matrix was a game-changer in the history of cinema. Back in 1999, it was a fresh take on action scenes, on sci-fi. It was pretty to look at, stylish….but also very smart.

You have both substance and style, which is already an amazing achievement nowadays

Every single scene, every choice made by the directors ; Everything is perfect.

The movie has its own recognizable style, from the first seconds until the last seconds of the movie: the green Warner Bros logo appearing with the Matrix theme, the green numbers falling down the screen…

It is a new world, a new atmosphere; a truly new pillar of pop culture coming from the minds of real the Wachowskis. It is not an adaptation of books, of comics, etc…

From that moment, characters like Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, dressed in black leather suits and wearing sunglasses, have become as popular as characters like Frodo, Harry Potter or Spiderman.

The movie is very smart because you have this idea that the world around you is not real. A bit like the Truman Show ( released the year before). This idea is not new. But it is maybe the first time you see this in a blockbuster. 

In the Matrix, there is also the idea that only a few people can see behind the curtain, that only a few people can see that there is something wrong about the reality. The movie had a major influence on our society.

I strongly believe that movies like the Matrix (or Truman Show, or Dark City, released in 1998) changed the way people observe our society. People started to question some things that are in some ways ”sacred”.

In the Matrix, there is the symbol of the red pill and the blue pill: the blue pill is for the people who don’t want to wake up; they don’t want to know the truth, because it scares them, they can’t accept it; and they like the comfort this reality is giving to them

The red pill goes to the real heroes of the story in the Matrix; it is taken by the ones who actually want to know what the truth is.

Neo, the hero of the story, takes the red pill. And finds out that in the real world, almost all human beings are asleep, connected to a virtual reality. And the machines, who rule the world, use the human beings to create electricity and power)

Unfortunately for the Wachowskis, a lot of conspiracy theorists have used the red pill / blue pill to their own advantage ( a conspiracy theorist believes that he/she is one of the few who got ”the red pill”…)

The Matrix is a masterpiece. I call a movie a masterpiece if it has great direction, great soundtrack, great acting, great screenplay … Yes, the screenplay is the basic hero’s journey. But it’s done well. The main character is this ”normal” guy, who is a nobody; his job is a basic office job; but there is something unique about him, and through training and challenges, he will become the real hero of the movie, the savior of Mankind. He is the Luke Skywalker of the Matrix Saga

In the Matrix you have everything a great saga needs :the wise mentor/father figure (Morpheus), the sidekicks (Morpheus’team), the love story (Neo and Trinity), the traitor (Cypher)…Some of those characters might be one-dimensional characters (specially Apoch and Switch who have like three lines of dialogue in the movie), but Thomas Anderson needs them all to become Neo

Technically, the cinematography and the direction are very innovative and quite extraordinary in some scenes ( the lobby shootout, the rooftop scene, the subway scene, the opening scene…)

Now, about the actors. I don’t think Keanu Reeves is a great actor. But, he was born to play Neo. He is the embodiment of this pop-culture character (nobody else could have been Neo, like nobody else than Mark Hamill could have been Luke Skywalker, like nobody else than Elijah Wood could have been Frodo, etc…)

I do believe that Carrie-Ann Moss gives a greater performance than Keanu Reeves (nowadays, we always talk about strong female characters, and sometimes people use those terms without knowing what they are talking about; they should take a look at Trinity, or Ripley from the Alien franchise…)

Laurence Fishburne is amazing as the captain, the leader. He is one of those few actors who have a presence, a charisma, every time they appear on screen.

The soundtrack is a great mix between techno, hard rock and classic musics. I recommend it.

The Wachowskis are very smart people. I guess they love reading philosophical books, like Descartes, Plato, etc…And they try to put those ideas in their movies.

But there is always a thin line between too much information/dialogues/exposition, and too many action scenes/CGI spectacular scenes. As a director, I guess it must be challenging to find the right balance between the two.

I think the Matrix Reloaded is a perfect example of this challenge. 

If you have too much exposition in a movie, you can easily lose your audience. And the last part of the Matrix Reloaded clearly has too much exposition; the writing of the scene between Neo and the Architect is not that great. It is supposed to be the scene where we get all the answers; the end of Neo’s journey (?), and the end of the war.

And instead of the ”climax” of the movie, we get a philosophical conversation between the One and the creator of the Matrix, about free will, about making choices, about Neo’s fate, about love…

The Wachowskis wanted to subvert the expectations, by telling us, the audience, that Neo is not really the savior of Mankind; he’s just another tool created by the machines.

That’s fine; but I’m not sure that a ten minutes conversation with some old guy sitting in a chair was the right way to explain this. It made this huge twist so boring.

But there are some great stuff in Matrix Reloaded. Visually, it is, like the first one, a very stylish movie. The action scenes are amazing. There are specially three scenes that are jaw-dropping : the car chase, the castle fight scene, and the so-called ”burly brawl”.

The ”burly brawl” is Neo facing hundred(s?) of Agent Smith. You can see, in the first part of the scene at least, that all the training Keanu Reeves (and Hugo Weaving) went through paid off. 

It’s one of the best choreographed action scene ever made in my opinion. 

The second part of that scene is still amazing, but a bit disappointing. At one point, in that scene, the movie becomes a video game. I remember Joel Silver, the producer of the Matrix trilogy, saying that the technology they used for those movies was so advanced, that the audience won’t see the difference between real actors and CGI any more.

Well, that’s definitely not true. In that second part of the ”burly brawl” scene, it’s not Keanu Reeves any more fighting 100s’ of Agent Smith; it’s a video game character fighting bots. It’s still great. But we lose the authenticity of the fight scenes from the first movie.

The car chase/highway scene in Matrix Reloaded, however, is probably the best car chase in the history of cinema. Joel Silver (him again!) and the Wachowskis, while promoting the movie back in the day , said, about this highway scene that they ” have a car chase scene that makes the Fast and the Furious look like the Slow and the Dim Witted”. And they were not wrong.

The amount of time, work and effort they put on those movies, and specially on that scene, is inspirational. For the highway scene, they literally built a fake highway (cost : 2.5 million dollars – length : 1.5 miles). The reason they did that is because they had a precise idea of how every single shot will look like; it was supposed to have crazy things happening in a very ”real” world, in ”real” time.

Every single vehicle had special instructions, even the ones in the background

The challenge was immense: hundreds of cars on a highway in high speed; two villains in a car chasing Morpheus and Trinity; agents who literally jump from one car to another; Trinity riding a motorcycle in opposite direction, closely passing other vehicles; a fight between Morpheus and an agent on top of a truck; etc… 

The castle fight scene is probably my favourite scene in Matrix Reloaded. A bit of context first.

Neo has been told by the Oracle that he needs the KeyMaker to fulfill his destiny. Problem: the KeyMaker is being held prisoner by the Merovingian, an old rogue program, who controls the Matrix ”underworld”.

This new character is interesting, fascinating. His introduction and what he says to Neo, Morpheus and Trinity about who he is, what he does, is foreshadowing the end of the movie : 

The Merovingian knows about the true purpose of Neo, knows that he is just a tool. And that’s why he lives as an Exile, and enjoys himself; because, in his opinion, the Matrix can’t be changed, the Machines can’t be defeated; and the best thing to do is making the best out of the current situation 

The Merovingian doesn’t want to help Neo and his friends. But they obviously don’t care and, thanks to the Merovingian’s wife (Monica Bellucci, great actress, but awful and useless character), they free the KeyMaker.

Before they can go away with, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity are stopped by the Merovingian and his henchmen. Morpheus and Trinity run away with the KeyMaker, while Neo takes care of all the bad guys.

And this is the castle fight scene: great choreography as usual, amazing visual effects, amazing direction, amazing music. It’s Neo showing all his powers, killing every last one of them, in Matrix-style.

That scene felt like the first Matrix. And that’s why I loved it so much

The Matrix Revolutions was released only six months after Matrix Reloaded (May 2003 – November 2003). Both movies were made at the same time. The reviews of the Matrix Revolutions were mixed to negative.

This movie clearly has problems. But it is not all bad.

The writing is not as good as the first one, and not as good as the second one either. It also has one of the worst lines of dialogues of the trilogy: Trinity trying to tell Neo that she will follow him anywhere, even it means not coming back, and dying; it is supposed to be emotional.

This is how it goes : 

”Trinity: I know. You don’t think you’re coming back. I knew it the moment you said you had to leave. I could see it in your face. Just like you knew the moment you looked at me that I was coming with you.

Neo: I’m scared, Trin.

Trinity: So am I. Took me ten minutes to buckle up one boot.”

I remember a lot of people laughing in the movie theatre. The acting wasn’t great, the dialogue wasn’t great. And what surprises me is that they left that scene in the movie, like nobody realized it was a bit too cheesy ?

The pacing of that movie is terrible. For example, after the events of Matrix Reloaded, Neo is in a coma. For some mysterious reason, he’s been able to use his power in the real world, and he stopped a couple of Sentinels. And that was apparently too much for him.

Actually, he’s not in a real coma: his consciousness is somewhere between the Matrix and the real world, a place that looks like a train station.

That was a very interesting idea: Neo, who was created by the Machines, has entered in contact with the Machines’ mind (the Source) when he stopped the Sentinels; and now his mind is in ”limbo”, where he is powerless. That’s a fascinating concept, something I wish we explored more.

But unfortunately, I believe the Wachowskis wanted to do too much in this movie; they could not spend too much time in that train station, because we need to speed things up and get ready for the big final battle between humans and machines, and the big battle between Neo and Smith

So in the end, the cliffhanger of Matrix Reloaded is resolved within the first ten-twenty minutes of the movie: Morpheus and Trinity finally find out where Neo is, and Trinity go and save Neo. That’s it.

I mentioned Smith, because, yes, he is still here. He’s been the greatest enemy of Thomas Anderson/Neo since the first movie. His character development in Matrix Reloaded was actually interesting: when Neo destroyed him at the end of the Matrix, a part of Neo’s code altered Smith’s code. Neo’s code is unique, because he is the One, because he has more free will than anyone else.

Now Smith is a bit like Neo. He doesn’t want/need to follow the instructions given by the Machines and the Architect. He has started his own revolution, and he wants to take over the Matrix, and, like a virus, even the city of the Machines in the real world

But the Wachowskis went even further with him: they made him ”transfer” himself in the mind of a human being, using his connection to the Matrix. This human being – Bane – has now been taken over by Agent Smith, who now has the possibility to destroy Neo and Mankind in the real world. Agent Smith/Bane, at the end of Matrix Reloaded, has destroyed almost all the humans ships (using an EMP, the only weapon the humans have against the machines)


So now, in Matrix Revolutions, we have Agent Smith who keeps replicating himself in the Matrix, taking over humans enslaved in the Matrix, agents and programes alike. He even takes over the Oracle. He quickly becomes all-powerful. Too quickly in my opinion. The events of Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions are supposed to happen over 48/72 hours. And in Matrix Reloaded, there are like only a few hundreds of Smith. So he’s been able to replicate himself billions of times in 2/3 days?

In the real world, Bane, like all Smith versions in the Matrix, has only one goal: killing Neo. 

Agent Smith in the Matrix wants to take over Neo, because Neo is a threat to his world domination, and also, by taking over Neo, he will get Neo’s powers (like when he takes over the Oracle, he is then able to see the future)

But in the real world, in Matrix Revolutions, Neo and Trinity go to the city of the Machines, because Neo thinks that’s where he will be able to stop them for good and save humanity.

Smith wants not only to control the Matrix, but also to be free (He kept saying that, during the first two movies). The machines themselves say that he has become a great threat, because he can infest the machines.

So, if Bane/Smith kills Neo and Trinity, and prevent them from stopping/destroying the Machines, his plan of real-world domination through the infested city of machines could work.

A great villain, with great character development. We understand his motivations. Now my problem is the fights and the scenes between Neo and Smith in this third episode. In the real world, let’s face it: Bane/Smith was never a threat to Neo and Trinity. The actor who plays Bane/Smith is not as good as Hugo Weaving. He’s not scary at all.

Instead of having a great fight, we see Bane/Smith threatening Neo two or three times. Then he burns his eyes, so we can see (no pun attended) the real powers of the One in the real world. Neo can see/feel the code of the Source in all programs created by the Source; and he can destroy, even control (?) them. That’s what makes him unique, different from older versions of the One, who never experienced their powers outside of the Matrix.

So Bane/Smith dies in like 30 minutes after being properly introduced. This character was only a plot device.

The writing, again, is not that great. The Wachowskis should have removed Bane’s entire character arc. And focus on other stuff; like giving a better ending to Trinity. I’ll come back to that later.

Half of Matrix Revolutions is made of the big fight between Neo and Smith in the Matrix; and the big fight in Zion between the machines and the humans. The battle in Zion is amazing; you can feel that it is truly the last stand of humanity; it is emotional; it has everything you’d want from a big blockbuster.

The fight between Neo and Smith look like a great conclusion for those two characters : they can’t kill each other, because they are, like the Oracle said ”two parts of the same equation”.

So it feels like they are supposed to fight until the end of times. Until Neo decides to sacrifice himself, making the ultimate decision. He doesn’t die because he is supposed to; he dies because he wants to, and because he knows his death will mean the end of Smith, the peace between machines and human beings, and it would mean saving everyone in Zion.

Although their fight is the most important fight of the trilogy, it almost looks like, sometimes, a video game, or an anime. They had a lot of money for making those movies. But the Wachowskis made a mistake (a mistake that a lot of directors have made since then, like George Lucas) : they thought that using CGI in every single scene would be a great idea.

The final fight between Neo and Smith almost look like Dragon Ball Z sometimes… 

Some choices made in this third movie are also questionable. At the end of Reloaded, Neo saves Trinity from dying. Choosing to save Trinity was a big deal: the Architect said that the One is ”programmed” to reboot the Matrix and choose a few people to start a new Zion. Neo can’t start a new Zion and save Trinity. It is one or the other.

But Neo is different, because he fell in love with someone (Trinity), and his love will make him do something crazy; he will not do what he is supposed to do; and he will save Trinity; even if it means watching then the machines kill every humans in Zion.

So you would think that Trinity will have a major role in Neo’s journey in Matrix Revolutions, right?

Well, almost the only thing she does in this third episode is being with Neo. That’s it. From the moment they decide to go to the city of the Machines, she becomes irrelevant. She is useless against Bane. She then pilots the ship, because Neo is blind and anyway I don’t think he knows how to pilot a ship. So she’s his driver in other words.

Then they crash in the city of the machines. And she dies. Not even like a big sacrifice. Her death did not help Neo in anyway. What difference did she make? None.

So what was the point in saving her in Matrix Reloaded?

Such a waste of a great character.

And I have not mentioned Morpheus yet. Morpheus, the captain/father figure of the first movie. The leader of the human resistance in the second movie. And in the third movie, Morpheus is the ghost of himself. Honestly…I’m trying to think of one good scene with Morpheus in Matrix Revolutions…

It starts with him questioning his beliefs, since Neo did not end the war like Morpheus thought he was supposed to. And from the moment Neo and Trinity leave, he remains with two other captains: captain Roland, who saved Morpheus crew at the end of Reloaded, and captain Niobe

Niobe is the worst character in the Matrix Franchise. She was introduced in Matrix Reloaded as Morpheus ex-girlfriend, who now sleeps with the leader of Zion’s military defense. She only exists in Reloaded to create some kind of love triangle.

She is also the main character of Enter the Matrix, a video game released at the same time as Reloaded, where you can control her (and her lieutenant) during the events of Matrix Reloaded (from her point of view…I know, who cares about her point of view, right?…if you want to play a Matrix video game, you’d want to play Morpheus, Trinity or Neo…not a random character…)

She was maybe ten minutes on screen in Reloaded. Useless character

But now in Revolutions, she is clearly one the main protagonists. So much so that Morpheus becomes Niobe’s sidekick for most of the movie. It’s so sad. 

Morpheus deserved better. Trinity deserved better. The audience deserved better.

However, I have to say, I liked the ending/epilogue of the trilogy. Neo did not destroy the machines. He made peace with them. He saved the machines from Agent Smith, with one condition : the machines had to stop their attack on Zion, and promise they will never wage war against humain again.

Last but not least, all humans connected to the Matrix who feel that this virtual world is not real, will be allowed to leave the Matrix and join Zion. 

It was a good compromise, and a smart ending for two reasons :

Humans can’t live without machines; machines can’t live without humans (not being able to live together was the reason the war started, as per the Animatrix The Second Renaissance)

Some humans don’t want to be in the Matrix; they know the Matrix is not the real world, and want to get out. But some human beings are actually happy with the status quo; like Morpheus says in The Matrix : ”some human beings are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so dependant on the system that they will fight to protect it”

In my opinion the Matrix will forever remain a trilogy…

This is why the disaster that was The Matrix Resurrections should be forever forgotten…

Garbage, a scam, a mockery of a movie… Just like the Star Wars sequels, this movie has a few nice scenes…You are happy to see the characters that you used to love appearing on screen…And that’s it…

That’s the only good thing about this movie: the ”nostalgia effect”. 

One of the two Wachowskis wrote this movie. I guess it did not take long to write the script of Matrix Resurrections. Half of the movie is some kind of a ”copy-paste” of scenes of the Matrix trilogy. And to try to hide the laziness of the writing process, we find out after ten/twenty minutes that the movie is supposed to be a ”mise en abyme”…

It could have been interesting, but the way they use this concept is a joke. So now we are in a Matrix version where Thomas A. Anderson is a successful game designer, who created three video games called the Matrix, the Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions. Those video games are the first three movies of the Matrix saga! And in this Matrix version, those video games are produced by Warner Bros !

That’s why I keep hearing everyone saying: Matrix Revolutions is so ”meta”. But it’s not meta; it’s ridiculous. 

I understand that the program that created this new Matrix – the Analyst, played by Neil Patrick Harris, did that because he thought that it would be easier for Neo to believe that his previous life is not real, if it was made into a video game… I’m not convinced by the Analyst’s plan to be honest…I think it’s very dangerous…If Neo is the most powerful being on the planet, if he represents a danger; and if you have the ability to ”reset” him, to put him back in the Matrix, why not erase his memory and make sure that, in this new world, nobody knows/remembers/thinks of anything related to the real world and to the events of Neo’s life?

When, at one point, the Analyst, who is supposed to be the big villain of this movie, explains everything, including his plan, I realized how dumb he was…

The icing on the cake was when I found out that the business partner of Thomas A.Anderson in this movie is…agent Smith. Yes, Agent Smith, who died already two times.

But not played by Hugo Weaving, but by this unknown actor.

At that moment, when I realized who that guy was supposed to be, I asked myself : WHY ? (it was the third or fourth time already while watching this movie, but not the last time unfortunately…)

Why the Analyst, who is all-powerful, would have Agent Smith in direct contact with Neo? Agent Smith was the enemy of the machines in Matrix Revolutions? Why not destroying this ”rebellious” program?

And how is Agent Smith still alive ? What’s his plan ? He shows up a couple of times in the movie to kill Neo, to kill the Analyst, to be free again… I don’t really get it…

Was Neo’s sacrifice all for nothing? 

So the first thirty-forty minutes are so confusing. I know that the Matrix movies are usually confusing. But this is another level of confusion.

Fortunately, after one hour (approximately), there is an exposition scene where the Analyst explains everything (well, kind of…)

Apparently, the peace, at the end of Matrix Revolutions, was not accepted by all machines: some kind of Civil War within the machines’ society erupted; one group agreed with the peace made by the Architect; another group did not want that, because they did not want to lose their main resources (human beings connected to the Matrix)

So, a new Matrix was created with the Analyst as the Architect’s successor. The analyst ”resurrected Neo and Trinity” . How? Not sure..But who care, right ?

Why? Well, the Analyst understood that Neo’s power is so unique so strong, that it can be a source of power for the machines in the real world. If they can control Neo…

The Analyst also found out that Neo’s power is at its strongest when Neo is close to Trinity. Some kind of stupid metaphor for the power of love. Apparently, Neo is not the One because he is unique. The real hero of the story has always not only Neo, but Neo and Trinity. 

The closest they are to each other in the real world, the better (their bond creates unlimited energy for the machines)  

This is a good idea. But not here, not now. You can’t break the rules you have established during the first three movies. The love between Neo and Trinity has never been the reason why Neo is so powerful; it never has been the reason why Trinity can do the things she can do. Trinity has never been that powerful.

These people, the heroes of the Matrix Saga are powerful because they are the only ones who can read between the lines, who understand and accept that the world around them is not real.

It has nothing to do with love…

The whole point here is to try to put Trinity as an equal to Neo. Because it is 2022, and apparently, we can’t have a man as the hero of the story any more. There has to be a woman who is at least as powerful as him. 

The second half of the movie (that starts after this exposition scene) is Neo with a group of useless characters who tries to break Trinity free from the Matrix.

Trinity in this new Matrix has a new name: Tiffany (told you this movie was dumb…why does she have a name that is so similar to Trinity…why leaving any clues to Neo and Trinity about their own past lives…my god…)

She has a very ”normal” life; she is married and has children (fun fact: her husband is played by Keanu Reeves’s stuntman from the first Matrix, and director of John Wick, )

Thomas A. Anderson has coffee every day (or every week…) in a coffee shop, where he noticed Tiffany. He is attracted to her, but he is very shy.

Finally he talks to her. And they both feel they know each other, and they both clearly have feelings for each other.

That part of the movie is actually pretty nice. The few scenes where Neo and Trinity are on screen together, where they don’t know each other, are great. Because Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann-Moss always had great chemistry.

And it is always beautiful and sad when two people who used to be lovers don’t recognize each other in movies. It makes me think of the TV Show Once Upon A time, specially the first season. Same concept : people have their lives stolen from them, they don’t remember who they were; they are given fake memories, and new identities. But every time they see someone they used to love, their feelings come back to life…

So back to the beginning of the second half of the movie 

Neo has been ”awoken” by a group of young resistant warriors from the real world…Remember the crew from the Nebuchadnezzar led by Morpheus; well it is exactly the same thing, but this time, we could not care less about them; and for some mysterious reason, Lana Wachowski decided to bring back Morpheus, but not Laurence Fishburne…It’s a ”digital” Morpheus created by the subconscious of Neo, as a character in his video games. He was created as a program who becomes self-aware, and who will help Thomas Anderson ”waking up”…(WHYYYYYY????)

They bring Neo to a new Zion called Io. Why not call it Zion, I don’t know. They bring him to the leader of Io. You think it’s gonna be Morpheus…Noooo…It’s Niobe…You remember that useless character from Matrix 2 and 3 ? That’s her….

And you know why ? Because I guess Jada Pinkett-Smith is such a bad actress that she must have a lot of free time in Hollywood right now…

So I won’t talk much about Io because it is just another example of how stupid the script is. 

They go to Io; Niobe shows Neo this ”new” city, where humans work with the peaceful machines, and still hide from the belligerent machines. Neo asks Niobe to help him free Trinity. Niobe tells Neo he is her prisoner, because he is a liability (he might unwillingly bring the machines to Io ).

Neo ends up in a room, goes to a balcony. His new friends come and rescue him. End of the Io storyline.

Was there a point of those scenes? No. You could remove everything that happens in Io from the script, and it would not make any difference…

What the hell happened to Lana Wachowski ? I understand that Warner Bros has asked the Wachowskis for almost two decades to write a fourth installment. And for almost two decades, they said no.

Because the story ended. 

I understand from her interviews that she was in a difficult place in her life (she lost her parents…), and that writing about the Matrix had a cathartic effect. 

But never, never, dig up an old franchise for the wrong reasons. Never. 

Warner Bros has been trying to follow the footsteps of Disney for the last ten/fifteen years. 

And every time they failed. 

They did the DCEU because of the success of the MCU. Overall, so far, the DCEU is a failure in my opinion.

Then Warner Bros have seen all the money Disney made thanks to the Star Wars Sequels, and they started to think: do we have a franchise we could use to do the same thing ? Yes, we have the Matrix…

They were thinking: the script won’t really matter. Let’s just do what Disney has done with Star Wars : nostalgia, a few well-known characters, a few call backs, a strong female character, a dyad… (Why ?????)

Good news, it did not work. The movie is a box office bomb.

Matrix Resurrections’ budget is 190 million dollars…If you add the marketing campaign, it would mean that the movie needed to reach 300 million dollars worldwide (approximately) only to break even. As we speak, the movie has been released everywhere, even in China. And it has made a little more than 140 million dollars…

I don’t think we are going to get a Matrix 5 soon…And with that stupid ending, this is again, very good news.

Because during the last part of Matrix Resurrections I wanted to scream. I could not control my anger any more.

In the first movies, the goal of Neo was simple : free the human beings connected to a fake world, and save humanity from a genocide in the real world

First of all, by making a Matrix 4, it feels like all the efforts, struggles and sacrifices made by the heroes of the first three movies were for nothing. Just saying.

Now, in Matrix Resurrections, the goal of Neo is saving Trinity. That’s it. Nothing else. Good job lowering the stakes, right?

When Neo and his new friends decide to free Trinity, it’s just because Neo wants to be reunited with her. They take a lot of risks for one person, who is not special at this point in the movie.

Remember, Trinity and Neo’s bond is important for the machines. Not for humanity.

Neo will go talk to the Analyst and make some kind of deal to have Trinity freed from the Matrix. 

I’ll cut it short: ”Tiffany” wakes up. And becomes Trinity again. But now Neo and Trinity have to run away from literally everyone (the Analyst can activate whenever he wants the “Swarm Mode” when everyone becomes a zombie, and everyone is controlled by the Analyst)

Remember : Matrix 4’s budget is 190 million dollars; The Matrix’s budget in 1999 was 63 million. And still, all the action scenes of Matrix 4 are definitely not as good as Matrix 1…

Impressive, isn’t it? 

Keanu Reeves has become an action superstar, specially thanks to the recent John Wick movies. In Matrix 4, every time he fights, he is so slow, it’s painful to watch. And I don’t know why

There is a little fight scene between him and pseudo-Agent Smith. When you compare it with the fight scenes between those two in the first three movies, it looks terrible.

Neo is ”awake” since the middle of the movie. He knows who he is. So you’d think he’d be as powerful as before.

No, he is not. He can’t fly for some reason. When he and Trinity are running away from everyone, after Trinity wakes up, I was thinking : what’s going on ? No, what are you doing ? You can literally change the Matrix if you want to. You can kill all those people with a snap of your fingers…Why are you doing only ”Force pushes” like a moron instead of fighting ? Whyyyyy?

Anyway…So, let’s finish this. Neo and Trinity end up on the roof of a building. I look at my watch, and I understand that, although there has not been not even one amazing scene so far, I will have to accept the fact that this is the end of a terrible movie.

I thought that it was over. That we have reached the bottom of the hole.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Because Lana Wachowski and Warner Bros had an ace up their sleeves. So Neo and Trinity, to escape, jump from the roof. But they don’t fall.

You think Neo is finally flying, and he’s gonna save the day? Noooooo. For some mysterious reason, Trinity is the one flying, and she saves Neo and herself.

Epilogue : Trinity and Neo are now the ‘OneS’ (I guess…). They talk to the Analyst. They fly into the sunset… End credits (with an awful cover of Rage Against the Machines)

How and why is Trinity now the equal to Neo ? Who knows ?

Why this movie was made ? For money ? But Warners Bros are going to lose more than 100 million dollars…

This world doesn’t make sense any more.

Is this going to be a wake-up call for studio executives? Are they finally going to understand that cinema won’t survive only with old franchises, and nostalgia? 

We, the audience, need something new. Something to get excited about. What the Matrix was in 1999… 

Film &TV review

"Is this going to be a wake-up call for studio executives? Are they finally going to understand that cinema won't survive only with old franchises, and nostalgia? "
Richard Fontana
F&TV reviewer/Host

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