The Mother

J-Lo plays actioner hero  on Netflix’s latest star vehicle in ‘The Mother’

Film & TV Review:Mark Taktak
3.5 Out of 5.0
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The Mother on Netflix is a 2023 action movie that stars J-Lo Jennifer Lopez in a female Jason Bourne of sorts and is essentially the Loan Wolf and Cub story we’ve seen in the Mandalorian most recently recreated here. J-Lo is an ex- military ops type with all sorts of skill sets that is essentially protecting her biological daughter from former associates out for revenge. Critics have generally dismissed this movie as average but that would be doing it a disservice. It’s cliched but it’s entertaining enough, it is a lot of set pieces essentially for J-Lo to show off her badass action star potential but it does genuinely have some heart as her tough heart melts as she bonds with her daughter teaching her to survive and protect her. Joseph Fiennes is completely forgettable in a one dimensional villain role, and really the whole affair is serviceable whilst just in the right side of entertaining if not particularly memorable.
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