Fast and Furious  pushes the gas on a Franchise to ridiculous, but fun new heights !

Film & TV Review: Jason
3.5 Out of 5.0
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Fast X establishes a complex multi-film storyline centered around the character of Dante Reyes (played by Jason Momoa), the son of Rio's notorious crime boss Herman Reyes. Dante, a deeply vengeful individual with a cruel and sadistic nature, has inherited his father's immense wealth and resources, which he plans to use to inflict maximum pain and suffering upon Dom (Vin Diesel) and his associates. His ultimate goal is not simply to kill Dom, but to make him suffer in every way possible, driven purely by his relentless thirst for revenge. The film’s heist scene triggers a sense of nostalgia, indicating that it is a revival of the series’ most thrilling moments. It wholeheartedly embraces exaggerated and comically violent action. So it's up to you the audience to jump on board with it. Fast X goes to great lengths to gather a diverse group of characters, both old and new, due to its reputation for sparing them from permanent death. The latest members include Charlize Theron, who plays the role of a cyberterrorist called Cipher, John Cena as Dom's estranged sibling, Jakob, and the surprising return of Han, who has been brought back to the crew in Fast 9. The cast of the latest instalment includes some familiar faces and some new ones. Helen Mirren plays the strong-willed mother of Jason Statham's character, while Brie Larson appears as the daughter Kurt Russell's Mr. Nobody. Rita Moreno joins in a small, symbolic role as a beloved grandmother in the Toretto family. With such crowded screen time, it intercuts frantically between comedic subplots ,it oddly works, moving on from from escapes and chases as all our crew is on the run from Dante and his forces. Louis Leterrier, the Director, deserves recognition for his work, but when he took over from Justin Lin, he chose to emulate the tone of Transporter 2, known as one of Statham's more successful endeavors. Adding even more momentum to the fire is Fast X's inclusion of Momoa, who envisions Dante as a flamboyant, gender-bending embodiment of chaos inspired by a fusion of Captain Jack Sparrow and the Joker, complete with braided hair, painted nails, and partially unbuttoned satin shirts. Surprisingly, this portrayal serves as a counterbalance, infusing a feminized, weaponized energy against masculine intimidation tactics employed by Dom and his crew, which are instantaneously deflected. Still, there’s no better approach to a franchise as it as evolved ,or de-evolved over the years from grounded a street race with sleek muscle cars and low-angle shots of hot spectators, jumping to a action comedy blockbuster genre with international spy missions and other worldly physics. Now that the cartoon franchise has gained widespread acceptance, Dom Toretto has taken the forefront of the narrative. His speeches on family and cars are delivered with such fervor that it feels like a Shakespearean play, lending credibility to the seemingly trivial conflicts at hand and paving the way for the extravagant spectacle that surrounds his character. Resistance against Fast X is pointless due to their exuberant self-awareness. Eventually, surrendering to their driving becomes more appealing than putting up a fight - allowing one to simply relish the journey.
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